Thursday, May 5, 2011

Simple Plan

" Procrastination, running circles in my head...while you sit there contemplating, you're wound up left for dead. Life is what happens while you're busy making your excuses. Another day, another casualty. "
- Simple Plan                       

People. Fate. Attitude.

Today, I quote a band rather unusual for my taste. And furthermore, I attempt to write about something I believe to never have understood! People.
I'm going to start with an important lesson my best friend taught me, back in school, i.e.  'No two people are the same'

Yes, we do segregate everyone, putting different tags on them, no matter how non-judgmental we may say we are, truth remains that humans being social animals, do build a society, in it creating various tiers. As we move along our own ways, we create shelves of files, cataloging each trait, each person, albeit unconsciously.

This way, societies create collective perceptions which are animatedly discussed and passed down generations. Certain general norms are set. Like 'to wear yellow pants is odd' among many others. These are important. They help one to face the diverse world, for it is easier to be able to think about it in a prescribed manner. The issue pops up, when a person forgets to be mad. Yes, mad refers to behavior not approved  by society. Not necessarily harmful. Because its important to know that life is not that easily understandable. No matter how many little post-its you stick on it or how much of it you can explain to yourself on basis of logic or pre-conceptions, its always going to leave you in a riddle. That's a statement I will stand by, through thick and thin.

So, when you forget to be mad, you learn to judge yourself just the way you've been judging everyone around you. You measure yourself in that graduated beaker of societal perceptions and mark out your potential with a neat red line. You reduce yourself to what you understand. You tell yourself what you can do and what you can't. And the usage of the word 'reduce' is deliberate, because the moment you start to think that you've worked hard enough and have learnt enough to place yourself on a level, you stagnate. For want of a crude word, you rot. It is imperative to note that the above occurrences are followed by the formation of an ego. It is but natural. If you've given yourself the power of chalking out your possibilities for yourself, you might as well give yourself a crown saying 'King of the Universe'.

But this ego grows harsh and bitter, placing other people as superior and inferior, it turns hostile to our inherent happiness, which relies upon the noble notions of equality and harmony. The path from here on, is rather sketchy. For you chose to draw it yourself.

I'm not suggesting everybody leave everything to fate and stop judging and testing themselves and others. I don't wish for a Madman's World! No, if a life with fixed parameters is what we need for survival today, so be it. But just once in a while, put on those yellow pants and walk in the streets with an idiotic grin on your face. I tell you,its the only way to remain sane.


YEPAL said...

Truth is that life is a road in the mist and there are always accidents. He he... Hey nice piece of writing and I like they way of your expression... go on...

Prashasti said...

Thanks Yeshi! Though I'm not half as good as you but I still write for the fun of it! Thanks for the encouragement, I'm glad you like the style!! most people find it too quasi-informal-ish haha

JD said...

Well written, young Padawan. You'll go a long way :)

Prashasti said...

Thanks JD :D