Saturday, June 2, 2012

Musings of a teenage soul

Nothing compares to the long standing body ache, pine for books yet an inexplicable repulsion that send your mind and body looping like a boomerang back and forth, when finals are due. I get up, brush my teeth and make some coffee.

The recurring tring of the neighbour’s alarm, sets the silent morning atmosphere into a constant reminder of having to read. Reading, writing, somehow trying to put it all together. What really makes you a person? The thought rushed through my mind, if but for a second. I give myself an inward glare. I had a motto to follow
“Roll with it, don’t think about it too much”.
And I have a goal in life. One I’ve had all my life, actually. And finally, I’m getting on track to outrun myself and catch hold of that sweet success.

So what is my goal?
My goal is to be a person who isn’t afraid.
So who isn’t afraid? What accolades do we need to finally be able to say/do what we should say/do anyway but can’t because we’re insecure of our imperfections? What does it take to change the world?

Does it take that burning urge to correct all that’s wrong with yourself first and then gearing into position to change the surrounding atmosphere? Does it take a Harvard degree to prove your potential?  Could it be as simple as a completely clean room? Maybe a few musical talents? A-line grades? Reducing weight?

There are things we always want to do, yet do not end up doing simply because we gel into ruts of daily life and society where courage is not an everyday requirement.
We, whether fortunately or unfortunately let fortune alone decide, live our lives without everyday struggle. Therefore, we lose track of what is important to us and what is not. We sway and amalgamate with the minds and thoughts of all those around us and soon we start to live together in an interconnected mindblur that is termed today as society.
A mindblur it is. And it will cloud all your originality away. Slowly, you forget about the things you wanted to do and become complacent. At one point, the gandhian philosophy of your inner mind would keep at the back an image of the starving masses, as you ate your every meal. But as you enter the mindblur, all fades away. You stuff yourself left right and centre, just because everyone else is.
Oh, the infection.

The deeper it sucks you, the harder it gets. You don’t have to be a gandhian, or a supporter of modern day society or anything else I’m giving examples of. You have to be, just, you. Because at the end of the day, it’s all that this world needs.

Lifting the curtains after falling through the whole drill can be daunting. If everyone’s ordering a pizza, why should I not do it? Not like there’s anything wrong with eating a pizza. And so comes out the wallet and the odd hundred rupee notes.
And there isn’t anything wrong with eating a pizza. Gone and digested, not once do we bother to think about why the child of a laborer must be made to sleep with the satisfaction of a few parle-gs.
Exactly where, in the whole mind-blur do we accommodate them?
Suddenly the entire meshwork formed by people affecting each other, take an ugly turn and swerves past certain groups of mesh, leaving them unwanted and uncared for. Striated society.

Some give themselves satisfaction in saying they work for what they get, thus giving rise to the notion, if you don’t work, you deserve what you get. If one implies that the amount of work is proportional to the amount is comfort you deserve then they would gladly support all the economic differences which exist today, making up strata of the mindblur. Rise of terms such as masses, minorities, majorities and groups.

Does anyone else see the gaping hole of humanity in the above paragraph? I don’t support socialism, communism or any form of politics, but I still believe in my gut feeling of equality. And I still believe that if there’s one platform, where we all should come together, apart from the pizza slumber parties, it is progress.

If today, eating a home-cooked/ mess-cooked simple meal is saving up enough money for you to plan your way of giving back to society, in a way more innovative than distributing parle-gs, then maybe that simple meal is worth giving up the cheesy goodness of a pizza for.
If learning a musical talent is what may set your mind right and maybe a few others’ too, and help make a better world for everyone to be a part of, then perhaps it’s the better option than spending days lazing around at the neighborhood cafĂ©.
If getting A-grades helps form a core for better endeavors of achieving equality in the future, then pursue it!

And most significantly, if it takes the load off your conscience and eliminates your insecurities and fears, and makes you, YOU. Get to it.

Because right at the end of this tunnel of experiences and situations, you’ll want to look back and know that your inherent, inborn purpose here is fulfilled. So despite spending a considerable amount of time, writing this while I should be setting myself free from the burdens of the mindblur, I will get back and continue with it, because hindrances may waver me from my motto awhile, but I know deep within, that I just gotta roll with it.